By Hammerhead
During the Iran hostage debacle, we paid (at least above the table) what was called a “back debt” amounting to $1.7 Billion Dollars (plus interest) to our enemy, Iran, to help secure the hostages release.
This “back debt” was essentially Extortion Money folks. A Ransom paid to a State that openly sponsors Terrorism.
One has to concede that this money, along with ALL the other money Iran received when the nuclear sanctions were Lifted (Over $100 Billion) will be used to buy MORE Weapons (conventional and nuclear) and FUND more Terrorism to CONTINUE TO ATTACK Israel and the United States. Secretary of State John Kerry recently admitted to this.
It appears now another Enemy, North Korea wants to get into the hostage game...and why not, it appears to be a very lucrative business!
In the world of Geo-Political Politics and Diplomacy, anytime you show WEAKNESS in any area, you lose international legitimacy and RESPECT and leave the door wide open to Exploitation by your Enemies.
We, the United States, through our utter carelessness and weakness, have essentially put Blood in the Water and now all the SHARKS (our enemies) are coming to FEED.
The question is how many Sharks are we gonna feed (and appease) before it eventually decides to eat us?
The words of Churchill ring as true today as they did in 1940:
“An Appeaser is a man who feeds a Crocodile hoping it will eat him Last…”
UPDATE: The True Facts of the Hostage “Release” Come to Light
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