Is is Real or is it Memorex Folks??
An apparently forged ISIS video disseminated online Monday praised President Obama and called for joint U.S. action with the terrorist group against Russian intervention in Syria.
The five-minute video also called for designating Obama as the caliph, or ruler, of ISIS.
ISIS supporters on Twitter were quick to denounce the video as a forgery.
The production appears to be a foreign intelligence operation using disinformation to fuel anti-U.S. sentiment in the Middle East, where propaganda alleging U.S. support for ISIS is widespread.
The video in both Arabic and English was removed from YouTube after it was disseminated through Twitter. However, screen captures from the video were posted online, including its title, “A Message to Obama.”
The 5-minute, 35-second film shows a group of masked fighters dressed in camouflage battle gear carrying a black ISIS flag. The upper right-hand corner of the video bears the logo of the Al-Hayat Media Center, the official ISIS media outlet known for producing non-Arabic propaganda.
According to excerpts of the video provided to the Washington Free Beacon, a masked fighter addresses Obama and called him “one of the greatest leaders of Islam.”
“George Bush brought the spark of jihad to Iraq,” the narrator states, adding that Obama is “a great man who contributed a lot to our cause” by “raising jihad to a new level.”
The ISIS fighter then notes Obama’s role in the ouster of tyrannical regimes, including Libya under Moammar Gadhafi, and asserts that jihadists “receive weapons from you, O Obama.”
The fighter goes on to say the arms supplied to ISIS were “pointed against your enemies” and that many fighters were “trained there in Turkey and Jordan but instead pledged “allegiance to the Islamic State after arriving in [the Levant].”
“We owe you so much, Obama. And that is why we’re going to proclaim you our caliph,” he stated, adding that the United States and ISIS should joint together to battle “Russian Crusaders.”
Read the Remainder at Free Beacon
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