Well, I hate to say “I told you so” but as soon as I heard about the stabbing spree at the California College of UC Merced yesterday, something clicked in the back of my mind and said “This was a muslim and an act of terror”, and whatta you know, I was right! Mass Stabber at UC Merced was named Faisal Mohammad.
My reasoning for thinking this is simple: I Don’t listen to all the POS islamic sympathizers in the media and the government. Be logical and look at the facts in the world right now: Israel is in a state of crisis with so called “Palestinians” going around stabbing innocent people, I mean the Israeli Police and Armed civilians cannot shoot these islamic POS fast enough!
As if that was not enough to get your “spidey senses” juiced up, how about this report yesterday from Germany (Bet you did not hear a WORD about this on main stream news): German Tourist Brutally Hacked With Knives in Morocco.
It’s time to wake up folks, the muslim “stabbing epidemic” has come to America. Luckily, nobody was killed in the attack at UC Merced, but you can bet these barbarians mean to kill you.
Keep your head on a swivel and stay armed 24/7 and don’t take chances.
Review some Counter-Knife Training I did a while back on the blog or better yet contact some professionals like AMOK and get your mental toolbox restocked.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
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