When I first saw the pictures in this article I got goosebumps… I am old enough to remember the Soviet “May Day” Parades in Moscow in the 80’s, where they would parade around and show off all their ICBM’s. China, like Russia then, seems to be in a fighting mood, and with China’s latest threatening video they put out, we can only deduce they are serious.

The central event of the 3 September commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War in Beijing was a military parade that saw the first ‘official’ revelation of many new weapon systems.
The 15th such military parade held in Beijing since 1949, it featured 12,000 troops and 56 general officers from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), plus 1,000 troops from 17 other countries.
Chinese state media reported that the parade also featured 500 ground-based weapons of more than 40 types and 200 aircraft of more than 20 types. While these reports noted that 80% of these weapons had “never been presented to the public before,” this was mainly in the sense of an ‘official’ revelation. Many of these weapon systems had been previously disclosed in Chinese military publications and on web pages.
Weapons revealed in the 3 September parade are considered ‘deployed’ or in PLA service.
The following is a brief review of some of the latest Chinese weapon systems showcased in the 3 September parade.
Read the Remainder at Janes
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