Below is Rev. Franklin Graham’s Facebook Post from July 17th in response to the Shootings in Chattanooga. It has caused a lot of controversy and the Reverend has been attacked by a lot of his own people about this.Personally, I think it is a great ideal, seeing that our Government, to date, has not seen fit to act in ANY capacity or offer ANY solutions other than offer their “condolences” and repeatedly tell us what an “All American Boy” that SOB POS goat humping jihadist was that killed 4 of our Marines and an American Sailor…Pissed Off? Yeah I am. and I Hope some of you join me. I am a Proud Veteran who fought these barbarians once and quite frankly I am sick of this bullshit.We were attacked people, and it’s time we started acting like it.
War Rules From here on Out.
Stay on the Job Until EVERY MURDERING HADJI is Wiped Out!
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!

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God Bless, Franklin Graham.