A good friend frequently sends me these, and although the language is a bit over the top at times, it sure makes for entertaining reading.
I mean even if it is a half-baked propaganda stunt, a dude that is named “The Angel of Death” and looks like and I quote:
” A combination of Kratos and The Rock and goes into battle with a scimitar, an assault rifle, and two iPhones strapped to his armor. “
and he is killing ISIS assholes with impunity?!! I am definitely gonna take the time to read about this guy!! Enjoy.

Here is a picture of a gigantically-jacked bald motherfucker with a huge beard stomping through the bullet-riddled streets of Tikrit, Iraq during one of the largest and most brutal urban street warfare the Middle East has ever seen. He is wearing tactical kevlar body armor packed with grenades, has a grenade-launcher-equipped M4 assault rifle slung from his back, and is carrying a goddamn fucking old-school scimitar in a manner that indicates he’s probably swung one of these things in anger before.
If I’m completely honest with you guys, there really isn’t much I can tell you with certainty about the Angel of Death. As can be the case with some of the great mysterious badass motherfuckers from history, there exist only rumors about his history, and since this dude is basically sitting at the top of ISIS’s “People We Need to Behead on Twitter” list, he’s not exactly thrilled about the idea of writing down his phone number and home address on a Post-It and sending it to a group of rampaging homicidal Jihadis on a paper airplane.
Some claim that he used to be a lecturer at a university somewhere in Iraq, and that he was once the Iraqi national Taekwondo champion, but that he left his home at age 37 after he saw some ISIS dudes behead a Shi’ite with an axe in the streets outside his house. This is the story I prefer, mostly because it’s weird and awesome, and also because when he re-tells the story he off-handedly comments that he personally tracked down the leader of the beheaders a few days later, grabbed him by the throat, took away the guy’s axe and “butchered him into gravy,” which is such an awesome pump-up expression that it makes me want to get KFC on the way home from work tonight and eat it straight out of the Styrofoam container like some kind of fucking barbarian. Other folks claim that this dude is actually an experienced Special Operations soldier with decades of combat experience in locations from Lebanon to Syria, and that he could potentially even be a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who has received additional training from Hezbollah, the Mujahideen, and American Green Berets. I don’t know, maybe he’s some combination of the two.
Read the Remainder at Bad Ass of the Week.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed, Beware of men with Swords and Stay Dangerous!
Reblogged this on Brittius and commented:
He’s a Good Guy. Not, a bad guy.
No Brit, he is a BAD Ass. 🙂
I removed my comment. Please erase. Thank you.
No Worries Brit..keep em coming, love to have your input.
Thank you. I am a former Life Member of NRA, and former IPA/IRA/ISA Instructor. On the streets: 3-shoots; 8-rounds dicharged; 7-gunmen DOA.
Yes, I could tell by the quality and comments of your post you had been downrange. Look for an email brother!