Dear Readers, As a Lover of History, I felt it was TIME TO DISPENSE WITH THE HISTORICAL INACCURACIES. Please seek out the truth for yourselves. And just so you know, the lame-stream media and the Government are bad places to start. -HCS Staff
Article By Daniel Amduri
With all of the controversy surrounding the Confederate Flag, and with Apple Inc. now removing all civil war related games from their app offerings, we have reached a point where propaganda has begun to outweigh the real truth.
The following seven points from Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends is an effort to clear up some of the erroneous information being disseminated by agenda-driven politicos and activists:
1. The SLAVE states of Maryland, Missouri, Delaware, Kentucky, as well as the District of Columbia, were SLAVE STATES in the Union that fought for the NORTH.
2. Two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was made in 1863, the Union states of Delaware and Kentucky continued to have slavery until the Thirteenth Amendment was passed that abolished slavery.
The Emancipation Proclamation only freed Confederate slaves. It was Lincoln’s punishment for them, but it didn’t affect the slaves that remained in union control, including New Orleans, Tennessee, or Norfolk, Virginia, which were under the control of Union armies.
Read the Remainder at The Daily Sheeple.
And why you are on the subject, here is some more FACTS you may or may not have known about the South.
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