Just another SAD story of how MORE Restrictive Gun Regulation equals more DEAD Honest People..Simple enough for you all you bureaucratic liberal pukes!?

By Rob Morse

California – -(Ammoland.com)- Carol Bowne died defenseless. She had been threatened by her ex boyfriend. Her ex-boyfriend killed her. She did what she could do to protect herself in New Jersey. New Jersey judges kept her defenseless. How did disarming Carol Bowne keep us safer?
Carol Bowne applied for a firearm purchase permit, the first step in buying a firearm for self-defense. It takes an honorable citizen like Carol up to nine months to buy a handgun. Thugs do it in an hour as they buy an illegal gun off the street.
The thugs are not the only ones who ignore New Jersey laws. State law requires authorities to reply to petitioners seeking a firearms permit within 30 days. Ms Bowne called the police and asked about her Firearms Purchase Identification Card after waiting 41 days. They said she had to wait. She was murdered two days later on day 43. Carol Bowne bled to death in minutes. She died on her driveway suffering from multiple knife wounds. Other states grant firearms permits in minutes through the national instant background check system. (NICS). Not New Jersey.
Read the Remainder of the article HERE.
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