For those who do not think BAD LEADERSHIP in Washington does not roll down hill and effectively corrode American values, I give you the recent story of US Marine Mario Alejandro, who was recently denied entry to Six Flags in New Jersey until he changed his Patriotic T-Shirt. To me, this is not only a symptom on the anti-American spirit cultivated by the liberals and the current Obama Administration, but also of the “Gun Phobia” that has taken hold in America in the past few years.
As CO’s, we have a responsibility to support Mr. Alejandro and ALL Armed Forces Veterans and to raise awareness of this silly injustice. Below are the links how you can do that. I also recommend that every CO send an email to Six Flags Corporate and let them know that until Six Flags changes their policies regarding Patriotic Shirts with Firearms on them, Six Flags will effectively be Boycotted by CO’s and their families.
Facebook Link to Marine Recon Foundation:
Direct Link to purchase “KEEP CALM and RETURN FIRE” T-Shirt:
Six Flags Corporate Contact Page:
Support our Vets, But a T-Shirt, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!!
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