I have known for some time that common sense and government rarely, if ever, go hand in hand, but as of late I have been shocked to see the outright and shameless “advertising” campaign if you will, by members of the left in state and federal Govt. promoting what I call the “Helpless Mindset”.
Let me define this clearly before we continue.
The “Helpless Mindset” in a nutshell basically promotes people being victims of crime rather than being pro-active and defending themselves from it. The proponents of this mindset often tell the victims of violent crime or rape to “rely” on “whistles, call boxes (911), judo or going places in pairs” to help combat violent crime. (I swear I am not making this up..read it for yourself HERE.)
I don’t know about you, but when I read articles like the one I just linked above, it just steels my resolve to be more self-sufficient and twice as dangerous than the next guy. Obviously, the majority of people in state and federal government are living in a friggin’ dream world bubble..a fairy tale land where violence is abhorred and the very thought of using a firearm to defend yourself is absolute barbarism! (I believe they call this “Progressive Utopia”)
The truth of the matter folks is that the ONLY way Violent Crime is feasible is that if it’s victims are COWARDS. (Jeff Cooper)
We can NEVER depend on any Government entity, whether it be Federal, State or Local to protect us or worse yet, dictate to us how we should react or have reacted while being attacked!
First, most citizens are ignorant of The 1981 Supreme Court ruling, Warren v District of Columbia HERE which states that Police have no Constitutional requirement to PROTECT you; their responsibility is purely POST incident investigation and arrest of suspects.
That being said, I will say that most all of the cops I know personally would go the extra mile and protect any citizen in need, if the situation dictated it. But that is really not the point, although some LEO’s out there might disagree, saying it is their “CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY”; sadly Federal and State cutbacks have effected the number of cops on the street to such a degree that 911 national response time averages are at an all time low. Irregardless, the point is that civilians should not go around in that dreamworld bubble we discussed earlier thinking someone (other than themselves) is responsible for their safety.
If you ask me, the authorities that allow people to think like that meet the true definition of CIVIC IRRESPONSIBILITY & CARELESSNESS and epitomizes the Promotion of the “Helpless Mindset”. I applaud all of the Law Enforcement Agencies that stand behind a Citizens Rights to defend themselves and tell people the truth in regards to calling 911..read that HERE.
If I have not yet convinced you that Government is not looking out for your best interest in regards to your Security, read on!!
The TSA (Transportation Security Agency) recently changed their policy regarding KNIVES in carry on luggage to be in compliance with EU (European Union) Regulations and to make it easier on TSA screeners. (Again, I am not making this up!) Read it HERE.
Wow, where do you begin on this one??!! To start off, I just love the statement made by TSA Administrator, John Pistole regarding Box Cutters: “There is just too much emotion involved with those.” Yeah, John, emotion over a box cutter.. To me the fact that a determined and trained person could do just as much damage with a knife blade 2.4 inches or 1″ (which is about the length of an exposed razor blade in a box cutter btw) trumps my “emotions” over the events of 9/11. Is it me or did the Red Queen just push us all down a rabbit hole??
Let’s explore this a bit further…yes, it is disconcerting that just 12 years after 9/11, the agency responsible for American’s safety while flying is actually regressing to the bloated, moronic, impotent bureaucracy it was created to be in the first place, but hey, that is to be expected in Government…remember the CO Motto?? “Nobody is responsible for YOUR safety, but YOU!!”
Let’s flip this on it’s head for a moment and look at some of the positives for the CO.
Where as before this ruling, the CO would have to rely on improvised weapons and empty hand blows and chokes in the event of having to defend himself on a commercial airplane, now he actually has a 2.4″ blade at his disposal (plus hockey and lacrosse sticks). Granted, we cannot go full blown “Mall Ninja” here and have sorted “Macgyver” like illusions of grandeur thinking we can circumvent the reality of countering a “real-world” hostile takeover of an aircraft with a swiss army knife and some bad intentions, but we can look at some of the “possibles”. Since the knife cannot have a locking blade or molded handle, it would have to be used as a pure “sewing machine” stabbing weapon. You would also be fighting in a very, tight confined space with innocent by-standers in close proximity, so knowing your anatomic target is critical (main arteries and organs)…you cant just go in there like Norman Bates in Psycho, stabbing wildly, hoping to score a hit.
It also goes without saying your COUNTER-KNIFE training needs to be refreshed and updated to stay in the loop. Defending against a knife attack without a firearm is precarious, ass puckering stuff. More to come on that in future installments, but here is a great primer from the BOSS of the Combative Continuum, Kelly Mccann (I highly urge all my readers to get any of Kelly’s stuff, he is the real deal and top notch).
Stay Real and Stay Dangerous!!
If you want to see the helpless mindset, take a look at this shit.
hello there and thank you for your info – I’ve certainly picked up something new from right here.