-Thomas Jefferson (from the Jefferson Papers)
“The people of various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, bows, spears, firearms or other implements of war. The possession of these implements MAKES DIFFICULT THE COLLECTION OF TAXES AND DUES and tends to foment uprisings.”
–Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Shogun, 1588

“NO ONE is bound to obey a Unconsitutional Law and no courts ARE BOUND to ENFORCE IT.”
-16 Am. Jur. Sec. 177 late 2d, Sec 256
After a tremendous amount of reflection and some historical research I have finally decided to opine concerning the “Euphemistic Assault” by the current administration on the unprecedented taxation currently being dumped on Americans combined with the seemingly separate outright attack on the 2nd Amendment and Right to Keep and Bear Arms. As you know, I try at all cost to stay away from Political discussion on this blog because I feel my time and more importantly, your time, could be better spent studying other topics. What made me change my mind was a discussion I had with a very close friend the other day concerning the future of America and what we are leaving as an inheritance for our children. As a Veteran, this struck a chord, because I and countless thousands of other Vets have invested time, blood, sweat and some, their very lives into this country to see it succeed and prosper, not to see it ripped apart and for lack of a better word, Pissed On.
Take into account I am not doing this to draw attention to myself, (although I know that I am..all that I ask is that the NSA spell my name right.) But as a “reality check” to some who have been “wooed” into a state of “suspended, useless animation” by those in Local, State and Federal Government. These folks have no shortage of catchy sound bites and false promises (this includes Obama himself) to assure you that your rights are NOT being infringed..(while at the same time slipping his hand into your wallet)..but the changes being made are for the “good of the people and the nation as a whole” and that “your Government” knows what is best for you; all the time, Obama is raising taxes at an unprecedented rate, even disguising some tax hikes (and some anti-gun legislation) in neat little PR packages like “Obama Care”.
Take into account that as you are reading this article and any comments made thereafter, are ALL protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States (Free Speech), an Amendment which like all the rest proceeding it, were written and framed by men who understood that democracy is only as strong as the people who are elected (by the people) to practice it. And that a Government of elected officials that no longer follows the rule of law (Constitution, Bill of Rights) as it is written, but rather regard them as a “Charter of Negative Rights” that are too “limiting” is by definition, unjust, and no longer valid. Thus, any “laws” that are made there afterwards to enforce these “falsehood’s” are “Unconstitutional” and no citizen nor court are bound to enforce them. (see above quote).
In keeping with this “illegal action” theme, it was recently brought to my attention by my good buddy Wild Bill, that due to a Supreme Court decision in 1997, Printz vs United States which states that no matter what Federal Gun laws may be passed, it is ultimately up to your County Sheriff to enforce them. Combining that with the quote at the beginning of this article, your County Sheriff then would have the right to either obey or not obey whatever anti-gun legislation that may be passed down, depending on if he thinks it is un-constitutional. All the more reason IMO to be actively involved in who you vote for in local races!! As you can read, a County Sheriff has more legal authority in his county than the Governor of the State!! I highly urge you to get into contact with your local Sheriff to ensure they understand their powers and rights as it pertains to defying the Federal government in these matters. Here is the trail blazer in this area, Sheriff Mack’s website to pass along: SheriffMack.Com.
Secondly, as history records, an “unarmed” nation (a nation where civilians are prohibited from owning firearms and only the “police” are allowed ownership) is prone to becoming a “Police State”, a Totalitarian regime, where the will of a corrupt and immoral government cannot be challenged, especially when exorbitant tax hikes and ridiculous demands are thrown on the populace (see AMERICAN REVOLUTION).
Think for just a minute: What is the real agenda in wanting to ban so called “Assault, High Capacity Weapons??”, when the statistics show more people are murdered with knives and hammers?! 90% of these weapons (semi-automatic military type weapons) are bought for “self-defense” by responsible, legal gun owners?? (BTW, the other 10% is a mix of hunters and competition shooters). Could it be that the current administration does not want you to be able to defend yourself?? It is a Valid Question.
In closing, the framers of the Constitution knew this fact intimately, in fact their bodies bore the scars, both physical and mental, attesting to its validity. However, in their infinite wisdom, the framers knew that outright rebellion to a standing Government’s rule had to be the LAST RESORT….the body count of battles such as Lexington, Bunker Hill and Oriskany demanded that fact. However, as the old adage dictates, “Never put a desperate man into a desperate situation..he can be likened to a cornered animal, full of Fear, Rage and HATE.”
The current administration in Washington would be wise to heed these warnings and to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, Responsible Gun Owners know their rights and will not go quietly while they are taxed to death and attempted to be disarmed by an unjust group of Anti-American GARBAGE..
Recent Update:
I urge all my readers to sign the pledge in this link and pass it on to EVERYBODY you know…nothing could be more important to the future of this country!
Keep your ear to the Ground and Stay Dangerous!