What happened in Sandy Hook CT last week was an outright massacre…no doubt about it. More to the point, it was an act of terror IMO, an act of cowardice by a lunatic that struck fear into every parent with school age children across this country. It did not take long however, for the lib-tard crocodile tears to dry and the anti-gun lobby to use this tragedy to their advantage to advance their agenda of gutting the 2nd amendment where it is unrecognizable. The libs have been waiting on the “Perfect Storm” of events to happen to sway public opinion their way and now it has come.
It is often said the masses have a short memory, and it is up to certain people to remind them of the REAL truth..often these messengers are ridiculed and then burned at the stake, but some things are worth dying for. This ridiculous and corrupt bill of goods the Obama Administration and the media are trying to sell you; that guns are evil and civilians have no business with them, in particular, “military style” weapons that have large capacity magazines, consider these events from the recent past that actually prove “AN ARMED PERSON IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME, CAN SAVE LIVES.”
1. Pearl High School Shooting, 1997
This story has been conveniently swept under the rug by the lib-tard media and the anti-gun establishment, although the similarities to the Sandy Hook shooting are chilling…the assailant murdered his mother prior to the shooting and was also involved in satanic worship. It is interesting to note that the assailant was stopped without violence after being confronted by the armed vice-principal. This furthers the logic of the DETERRENCE factor of having armed personnel on campus, either armed teachers and students or security or law enforcement.
2. Colorado New Life Church Shooting, 2007
This story proves the validity of two things: 1.Having armed security/LEO personnel on site works and 2. When you arm the population (with a legal CCL license) it deters and stops crime.
Again we see the logic of the DETERRENCE factor of a CCL holder. Instead of facing the guy, the coward shooter off’s himself. The more people that are armed, the more criminals have to consider “could today be CCL day??”. When the general majority populace is armed, the minority criminal element has to think twice.
Lastly, lets look at a recent statement by the president about banning “Weapons of War”:
“Look, like the majority of Americans, I believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. This country has a strong tradition of gun ownership that’s been handed down from generation to generation. Obviously across the country there are regional differences. There are differences between how people feel in urban areas and rural areas. And the fact is the vast majority of gun owners in America are responsible — they buy their guns legally and they use them safely, whether for hunting or sport shooting, collection or protection.
But you know what, I am also betting that the majority — the vast majority — of responsible, law-abiding gun owners would be some of the first to say that we should be able to keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few from buying a weapon of war. I’m willing to bet that they don’t think that using a gun and using common sense are incompatible ideas — that an unbalanced man shouldn’t be able to get his hands on a military-style assault rifle so easily; that in this age of technology, we should be able to check someone’s criminal records before he or she can check out at a gun show; that if we work harder to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, there would be fewer atrocities like the one in Newtown — or any of the lesser-known tragedies that visit small towns and big cities all across America every day.”
On the surface, this statement seems semi-reasonable, despite the MISLEADING incorrect verbage of defining civilian versions of AR-15’s and semi-automatic varieties of military style rifles as “Weapons of War”…semi-auto rifles are nowhere close to a Military issue Select-Fire (burst capable) or fully automatic weapons with cyclic rates of 600-700 rounds per minute! Adding more stringent background checks on top of the already huge mountain of ATF bureaucratic forms to prevent the WRONG people from getting weapons is a decent ideal if the right corrections are made.