These criminal groups support Nicolas Maduro
To remain at the head of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez’s successor relies on a powerful criminal network that would have everything to lose from its eventual defeat.
For years, Nicolas Maduro’s regime has relied on a complex network of criminal groups that support him in exchange for’ access to territory and resources. This is’ a hybrid criminal governance model, according to the NGO InSight Crime.
This alliance, which began under the government of Hugo Chavez (1999-2013), was, s’ was accentuated in 2015 following the global drop in oil prices and the deterioration of the country’s’ economy.
With traditional revenues no longer sufficient, President Maduro has turned to criminal rents to maintain the loyalty of key political and military figures, McDermott said in an interview, co-founder and co-director of’InSight Crime.
Nicolas Maduro therefore gave them jobs in border areas where they had access to drug control, smuggling and human trafficking.
Rise of the Criminal Hybrid State in Venezuela (5 Part Series)
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