With all the looting and arson going on via Soros’ Black Ghetto Army, this story got swept to the side…
I think we need to make a new rule in America regarding POS muslim terrorist who commit crimes on our soil…when they are caught and/or killed their entire family gets deported to the shit hole nation they came from, no exceptions. Otherwise, you get shit like this. How many more relatives of this asshole are we gonna have to shoot now? Lunacy.
Muslim woman was shot and killed by Temple Terrace Police Officers after she charged at one of them with a butcher knife outside of City Hall. Tampa Bay Times (h/t DeplorableKel) The woman was identified as 21-year-old Heba Momtaz Alazhari, who is the sister of Muhammed Momtaz Al-Azhari, a 23-year-old Tampa man arrested earlier this week by…
FLORIDA: Sister of convicted Muslim terrorist shot and killed by police in Tampa — BARE NAKED ISLAM