It never fails, every time a black person is killed in this country the MSM attempts to stir up the sheeple with cries of “justice!”, but as this post from 2019 shows, where was the media frenzy when WHITE people (including a white child kidnapped and Burned to death) were murdered by blacks and muslims?
It was non-existent because we live in a hypocritical society where only CERTAIN lives matter, more specifically, BLACK ones.
Tyler Wingate came from an upstanding white liberal family from the upper-crust town of Berkley outside of Detroit. He foolishly believed that by moving into the third world, inner-city war zone that he could make some kind of “difference” by his misguided globalist belief of “We are all brothers despite our skin color.”
Unfortunately, those very beliefs he lived by and espoused so strongly got him killed. A black thug beat him to death after a minor car accident while other black thugs watched and cheered.
Not surprisingly, things like this happen in inner-city warzones like Detroit frequently, it’s just the MSM is silent about it because it ruins their “Trump’s America is Racist” narrative that BLACKS are always the Victims and WHITES always the Aggressors.
Keep in mind this happened during the “Yes we Can” Obama reign, five years ago.
The fact of the matter is that BLACK ON WHITE CRIME in this country has been on a steady increase for the last decade, but you would never know it because of the Government’s very slick distraction campaign of filing Federal “Hate Crime” charges every time a black person is killed by a white, but NEVER the other way around.
One of the most heartbreaking examples of this fact is the story of Levi Cole Ellerbe.
Little Baby Levi was white and was kidnapped out of his home by three black crackheads and then burned to death in Louisiana.
Were “Hate Crime Charges” filed on these three Black drug addict Pieces of Human Filth?
But interestingly enough Obamas Lap Dog Attorney General Eric Holder attempted to file”Hate Crime”charges on George Zimmerman AFTER he was found NOT GUILTY in the self-defense shooting death of black thug Treyvon Martin in 2013.
See how all this works?
Sadly, the misguided cultural and moral relativism bullshit that got Tyler Wingate stomped to death is RAMPANT among white liberals today thanks mostly to (SURPRISE!) white liberal parents and marxist, globalist Universities that pound this non-sense into their heads.
The two most prominent examples of this failed ideology are the Rape and Murder of French Art Student Pippa Bacca in Turkey and the Murder of American’s Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan in Tajikistan.
All three of these people were killed by jihadist muslims.
In fact in the case of Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, they were murdered by three members of ISIS, who broadcast their despicable deed in a video.
The sad fact remains that because of the illegal immigration INVASION in this country, incidents like the ones I described above will only increase twenty fold, right here in our own backyard.
They are pouring into this country by the thousands.
Marching across our southern border and then dispersing through our nation like a cancer infecting a host.
What happened to Europe and Great Britain over the last five years with the great “Jihad by MIgration” was a harbinger for America, but alas, we did not heed it, and so now we are “Reaping the Whirlwind” of our laziness and political corruption.
Yes we need to Build a Wall but more than that we need to:
DEPORT the ones that are here.
ELIMINATE “Sanctuary Cities” which are nothing but criminal and infectious disease havens for illegals.
CHANGE our antiquated and ridiculously inept Immigration Laws that allow six times deported Criminals to re-enter this country and rape and kill at will.