I have always been a big fan of Steven Crowder, not only because I like the guy’s Politics but also because I think he is one of those unique comics that can take complex political and social issues and break them down in short comedic and hilarious skits that the general public can understand.
This one entitled “To KIll a #METOO Bird” is about how the #METOO movement coerced public perception, and Legal Opinion, away from DUE PROCESS to a lone woman’s accusation of rape or sexual assault being sufficient to take away a man’s freedom, assassinate his character and destroy his livelihood.
Due Process (which is guaranteed in the Fifth Amendment) is not that complex of a legal concept to understand.
It simply means EVERY PERSON accused of a crime has the RIGHT to a certain, prescribed order of legal processes. The belief that a Person is PRESUMED innocent until PROVEN Guilty is in fact, the BEDROCK of the U.S. Justice System!
So where did it all start to go wrong? When and where did the legal system begin to fail in their mandate to uphold DUE PROCESS and how was the public bamboozled to believe this was for the “common good?”
Like all lies, it had it’s beginnings with a legitimate problem that was manipulated into a Political Weapon by the left. The “#METOO scare” bombarded the public via the MSM with dozens of accusations from women claiming some type of sexual assault or rape. In most cases, these ACCUSATIONS were the only evidence against the accused.
Proponents of #METOO, including Hollywood elitist and Weinstein flunkie Meryl Streep and failed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were quick to bolster this dangerous ideal claiming “Every WOMAN Should be believed when it comes to Accusations of Sexual Assault or Rape.”
Notice the ideal for this rest not in the CHARACTER of the person but purely in their SEX. Simply because they are WOMEN they should be believed. It’s an absurd principle but you would be surprised how many people swallowed it hook line and sinker.
This left wing psy-op had it’s culmination with the Kavanaugh Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings which contrary to popular belief, was not a legal trial, but a Senate hearing to investigate claims of wrongdoing. It eventually turned into exactly what the left intended: a Court of Public Opinion to assassinate the character of Conservative Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and consequently knock him out of consideration for the post. Not surprisingly, the ploy failed, but the damage was done.
So Fast Forward a few years and now Mass Shootings suddenly become the new media circus and the justification for the left (and elements of the right) to once again go after the Second Amendment. As is always the case, when these tragedies occur, politicians start talking about how we need more “gun control” laws when the obvious fact that CRIMINALS don’t obey laws in the first place flies right over their head. The most sinister of these proposed laws are RED FLAG LAWS or ERPO’s (Emergency Risk Protection Orders)
Why are Red Flag Laws Dangerous? Because just like the #METOO debacle, a person’s life and livelihood and not to mention Constitutional Rights can be trampled over with a mere ACCUSATION. That’s right. When a ERPO is filed, a person “petitions” the Court (ie fills out a Government form) and then Law Enforcement are bound to investigate the petition. Police then come to the person’s home and confiscate EVERY firearm they own BEFORE they have a chance to answer any questions about these accusations before a Judge!
The real danger in all of this lies in the fact that ERPO’s are being touted by those on both the Left and the Right as “Common Sense Gun Legislation.” So violating a person’s Constitutional Rights (Their 2nd, Fourth and Fifth to be exact) is now a Common Sense way to Stop Gun Violence?
Do you see where this is going folks? You have to remember every Totalitarian Regime that has ever existed DISARMED the populace FIRST and in most cases the way they did this was by CHANGING the “LAWS” to suit their agenda and aim.
Red Flag Gun Laws are not only Unconstitutional, they are UNAMERICAN in every way.
Our Legal system is BUILT upon the premise of DUE PROCESS and having the RIGHT to Face and Question our accusers. If all of that is boiled down to just a mere ACCUSATION, then we as a country have decided in an instant to throw out 200+ years of bloodshed and sacrifice by our forefathers in exchange for “Public Safety?”
I think Benjamin Franklin said it best:
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”