If you do not believe that there is not a well funded global conspiracy to make “Diversity” and “MultiCulturalism” (also called “Cross-Culturalism”) mainstream, just check out the description of this new liberal propaganda crime series from the land down under.
“Dead Lucky is a crime drama with a difference starring Rachel Griffiths, revealing the complexities and tensions in Australian cross – cultural relationships.”
“Complexities and tensions in Australian ‘Cross-cultural” relationships” must be a liberal euphemism for headlines like the one below?
BANGLADESHI Muslim student admits she came to Australia for the sole purpose of murdering Australians on behalf of ISIS
I also found it troubling that in the same article from TVtonight the author goes on to say the following (which sounds exactly like the EU party line on diversity):
“For more than 40 years, promoting diversity has been at the heart of SBS. We want to tell stories with underlying thematics that help Australians understand that this country’s greatest asset is the diversity of our people. Our differences make us strong.”
Common sense would go a long way in illuminating the fact that the hordes of third-world immigrants pouring into the U.K., Europe and Australia are not at all interested in developing “cross-cultural” relationships.
What they are interested in is MURDERING innocent people, RAPING women and SUBJUGATING anglo-saxon culture to islam.
Plain and Simple.
Diversity is not a strength to a society when the “diverse” elements are interested in that societies outright destruction.
Aristotle himself wrote about this problem thousands of years ago.