No doubt about it, this decade will go down in history as one of the most violent decades in history for violence in American schools. You know the problem has grown to epidemic proportions when if asked about the latest school tragedy by a friend or co-worker, you have to ask “which one” they are…
Tag: Virginia Tech Shooting
Surviving Multiple Active Shooters
Terrorism by its very nature, is a virus. A virus, in order to survive must adapt and change to defeat anti-biotic/security counter-measures. The Terrorism/Active Shooter MO today is to avoid hard targets like Embassies where the security has been tripled since 9/11 and to strike in force at soft targets where hapless, un-armed throngs of…
Understanding the Tactics of Terror
“Violence does not discriminate based on one’s age, race, gender, faith, income level and own perception of preparedness level to deal with it…Without a moment’s notice, one can find himself in the middle of the most chaotic, brutal, mind-numbing experience of one’s life…Criminals, Gang-Bangers, Predators, Terrorist and Sociopaths by definition, prey on the weak and…