Hidden, Suppressed History of Red Terror in Post-WWI Europe Today on 23rd November we remember the Holodomor disaster, the Stalinist man made famine in Ukraine, killing millions of Ukrainian men, women and children between 1932-1933. The exact number of deaths will never be known, some sources say between 5-10 million deaths, the biggest genocide…
Tag: Stalin
Know Your History: Monsters of the Left Series
#1 Che Guevera #2 Fidel Castro #3 Pol Pot #4 Enver Hoxha #5 Vladimir Lenin #6 Joseph Stalin
World War II History: The Anniversary Of The Great Patriotic War: June 22, 1941
For all you Fellow WW2 Historians out there understand this video was put out by RT, Russia Today, which is the Propaganda Machine of the Russian Federation. Now I am not disputing the facts of the video but I do take issue with it’s arrogance. Although the Soviet Union did suffer during WW2, if it…
Sweet Mother Russia: Putin’s “Gangster Rules”
Looking at some of the recent headlines in the news, you might almost feel as if you stepped back into a surreal time when the Cold War was not over and we lived with the constant threat that a war full of icy rhetoric could become hot with bullets and bombs. Putin, that lovable New/Old…
Trumbo: How Historical Revisionism in Film is attempting to Dupe a Generation
I just watched the movie Trumbo after a friend of mine who works in the movie biz asked me to see it and give him my ‘honest’ opinion. The bottom line is despite all the “rave” reviews the film got and even with the star power of Brian Cranston, Dianne Lane. Helen Mirren and John Goodman the…
Military History: The Russian Revolutions of 1905 and 1917
A Cautionary Tale for Revolutionaries Human society is continuously shaped by social, political, and technological developments. Some societies reject these developments and others embrace them. Normally, the rejection or acceptance is silent and smooth. At times, however, the process is violent and leads to conflict or revolution. According to Samuel Huntington, “a revolution is a…
Memorial Day History Special “The World Wars”
This Memorial Day, be sure to tune in to the History Channel at 8pm CST for their Premiere 3 Night Event “The World Wars”. It will track the History of WW2 through the lives of Roosevelt, Stalin, Patton, Hitler and Churchill and the pivotal decisions they made during WW1 that eventually shaped the world. …