This is an excellent educational article on traumatic gunshot wound care and treatment. Lots of good photos and vids, so please click on the Original link at Tac-Med Australia to see ALL of It!-SF 02 JUL 2016 The following case study is of an Afghan civilian woman who was medically evacuated to a Forward Surgical…
Tag: Quick Clot
Field Review: The E3 Solutions “PTK 1.0”
My good friend Mark E., who has contributed some excellent narrative frequently to the blog, has started a new CO business venture: E3 Solutions. His first product, the “PTK” or Personal Pocket Trauma Kit is what I will be reviewing today. Having a viable trauma kit (not first aid/boo-boo kit..we are talking about shit to save…
Where are you PTK??
(By Contributing Author Mark Edwards) A few days before the tragic Batman Movie Massacre in Colorado, I found myself without my Pocket Trauma Kit (PTK). In my daily travels, I find my brain dwelling on tasks at hand, and then at stop lights, sometimes wondering what I forgot to bring along. On a recent Thursday, it was my PTK. Some background might be in order. A few years…