We’ve Lost Another Survival Tool I’ve mentioned that back in July, the FDA closed the legal loophole that allowed folks to purchase veterinary antibiotics without a prescription. Many companies have ignored the law change and continued to sell the “veterinary” antibiotics. Those companies got a warning letter from the FDA recently and I don’t…
Tag: medicine
Medical Kits 101: The Home Bag
We begin yet another series of articles, the goal of which is to guide you through the process of building various medical aid kits intentionally designed for differing environments and situations,… Source: Medical Kits 101: The Home Bag
Do you Mothball your Medical Training?
Often Medical training is one of the most overlooked areas in the Civilian Operator’s toolbox…it is more than having a boo boo bag or that tacti-cool Trauma Pack, as in all things, it comes down to KNOWING. KNOWLEDGE combined with QUICK RESPONSE can save lives. Personalizing your kit and training to your specific household’s…