Prepatude “It was a different world back then and Gen X kids, who were pretty free-range.” Prepping is a subject that has been near and dear to my heart since I was a kid. The Wilder family would frequently go on long hikes and snowmobile trips into the backcountry. Likewise, we’d go hunting…
Tag: First Aid
Trauma Medicine: Treating Penetrating Chest Injuries
Treating Penetrating Chest Injuries An open chest wound can lead to the development of tension pneumothorax. Tension pneumothorax is the second leading cause of preventable trauma deaths on the battlefield. It is the progressive build-up of air within the pleural space between the lung and the chest wall. As the air in the pleural…
How Outdated is your First Aid Kit?
How Outdated is your First Aid Kit? If you put together a trauma medical kit or individual first aid kit (IFAK) five to seven years ago, you may need to update your gear. Whether you started with a simple first aid kit or a full 5.11 Tactical ALS/ELS medical bag, you should take the time…
TCCC Twofer: Tactical Field Care, Massive Hemorrhage, and the Blood Sweep
Tactical Field Care, Massive Hemorrhage, and the Blood Sweep Make no mistake, one of the biggest area’s of training that martial civilians neglect is TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care.) Part 2 of this Excellent series can be found HERE. Train Hard. Train Realistically and Prepare Accordingly.
Where are you PTK??
(By Contributing Author Mark Edwards) A few days before the tragic Batman Movie Massacre in Colorado, I found myself without my Pocket Trauma Kit (PTK). In my daily travels, I find my brain dwelling on tasks at hand, and then at stop lights, sometimes wondering what I forgot to bring along. On a recent Thursday, it was my PTK. Some background might be in order. A few years…