I personally think that Veterans Nationwide, in all 50 States, should be exempt from all Concealed Carry State Fees. Email your Governor and State Senator, let’s make this thing Nationwide! -SF Louisiana legislators want to create a statewide exemption on concealed carry permit payments for veterans. Louisiana lawmakers recently passed a bill through the state…
Tag: 2nd amendment rights
Time for Hospital Staff to Be Armed
The controversy surrounding firearms being allowed in hospitals rages on. Those who believe that guns shouldn’t be allowed in a hospital, or anywhere else for that matter, continue to point to incidents in which the use of a weapon is controversial. As Elizabeth Rosenthal points out in her recent article When the Hospital Fires the Bullet most hospitals are…
Texas News: Campus Carry to be allowed at UT Austin
I am glad this finally passed. My only complaint is not allowing license holders to have weapons in dorms. Not allowing our kids to be armed 100% of the time while on campus makes them at risk. -SF AUSTIN, TX (KTRK) –The University of Texas now says they will allow concealed handgun license holders to…
Another Reason to be Armed: Man Fights off Armed Robbers Outside his Home
Somewhere, everyday in the USA, 2100+ people use a gun for self defense, to stop a crime or save the lives of themselves or their family. “We believe that the American public deserve to understand that on the average, guns save 2,191 lives and are used to thwart crimes every day,” says Alan Gottlieb of…
Knowing your 2A Rights: The Current Firearm Background Check System is a MESS
This is a vastly under-reported issue in the 2A Community. Get the Word Out. -SF The Crime Prevention Research Center has pointed out for years that the current background check system is a real mess. Now that President Obama has taken measures to force expanded background checks for person to person sales of firearms, it…
Another Reason to Be Armed: South Carolina Barbershop Mayhem
On January 22 2016, a barber and a customer opened fire and killed one of two armed men who allegedly entered the business to rob patrons. The incident occurred around 7 pm at Next Up Barber and Beauty in Columbia, South Carolina. According to the Columbia Police Department, customers said “two armed men wearing masks demanded…
Another Reason to be Armed: Armed Self-Defense Recap for January 2016
Honest citizens defend themselves with a firearm every day. I’m sure you’re shocked at that news since democrat politicians and news media tell us that armed self-defense never happens. Here are examples from the last few weeks. These ordinary citizens were thrown into extraordinary situations. These armed defenders were both surprised… and prepared. They saved…
Campus Carry in Texas Still Under Attack by Non-Compliant Universities
Students for Concealed Carry respects that university presidents and system chancellors have a difficult task in implementing the state’s new campus carry law, and we commend institutions such as the University of Texas at Tyler and Texas State University for addressing legitimate concerns while respecting the clear intent of the law. Unfortunately, a handful of…
Gun Control and Rape: The Ultimate Partners in Crime
In a recent article in Ammo-Land, Don McDougall presents a case to back-up a recent comment made by GOP Presidential Hopeful Ted Cruz stating that the increased number of Rapes and Sexual Assaults in Australia was a direct result of their National Gun Confiscation program. To further back up this point, all one has to…
Dose of Truth: The Eunuch Wants his Testicles Back; Europeans Clamor for Guns
Well what a surprise, I just posted an article on this very subject…it is so bad in Europe right now you have politicians begging for restrictions on PEPPER SPRAY to be revoked! Take this as a cautionary tale my friends. Stand up for your Rights NOW. -SF After decades of voluntarily surrendering their liberty and…