SNIPERS OF DONBASS: WEAPONS, ORGANIZATION, TACTICS Part Two of the Snipers of Donbass. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Sniper History
The Role of Snipers in the Donbas Trench War
THE ROLE OF SNIPERS IN THE DONBAS TRENCH WAR Make no mistake, Snipers can turn the tide of a battle and demoralize the enemy with FEAR. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
One Shot One Kill
One Shot, One Kill A decent essay on the subject. Check out my offering, Urban Guerilla Sniping v3.0 The bottom line is that this is no longer leisure reading for the Tactical Golfer. Some seriously nasty Ungentlemanly Warfare is coming our way. Prepare Accordingly.
The “Practical Not Tactical” CO Sniper Rifle
From the Archives, 2014 In a previous article entitled “The 5 Gun Theory” I expounded on the logic of the CO owning at least 5 types of firearms in order to be adequately prepared to survive and defend himself adequately. One of those guns was a .30 Caliber scoped bolt-action or semi-auto rifle to be…
Fire and Maneuver in Urban AO’s
From the Archives, 2015. In a recent Article, Law Enforcement told how they found a very large collection of ‘tactical writings’ in the home of Dallas Police Shooter and Army Panty Bandit Micah Johnson. According to Police, the tactic of “Fire and Maneuver” or “Shoot and Move” was the tactic seen most often…
Examining GW Tactics: Fire and Maneuver in Urban AO’s
From the Archives, 2016 In a recent Article, Law Enforcement told how they found a very large collection of ‘tactical writings’ in the home of Dallas Police Shooter and Army Panty Bandit Micah Johnson. According to Police, the tactic of “Fire and Maneuver” or “Shoot and Move” was the tactic seen most often in Johnson’s “voluminous”…
Learning from Insurgent Tactics: The Vehicle as a Weapon
From the Archives, 2015 The attack on Dallas PD this past Saturday by a man in an armored van represents a variation on a tactic that has not been seen since the DC Sniper Murders in 2002, where a man and his young accomplice, using a Chevy Caprice sedan and turning the trunk into a…
Urban Guerilla Sniping v3.0
“History is nothing else than a long succession of useless cruelties.” (Voltaire) When you look at the situation in Syria, you see the logic in Voltaire’s prose. I suppose it is the hopeless romantic in me that wishes for a world that is not filled with asshole tyrants and despots that take advantage of…
This Marine sniper left Vietnam with 103 confirmed kills
This Marine sniper left Vietnam with 103 confirmed kills And it’s not Carlos Hathcock!
The Deadliest Marksman’s Cold, Brave Stand
The Deadliest Marksman’s Cold, Brave Stand Who gives two shits about the number of kills? 500 or 200, it’s BEYOND AMAZING the guy did it with IRON SIGHTS in Below Zero temps! This is one of the most amazing stories of partisan resilience on historical record. Let’s all learn something from it. Stay Alert, Armed…