Category: Political Warfare
False-Flag Season is Here – This is Your Wake-Up Call
FUSA Bulletin: Creeping Left Coast Anarcho-Tyranny
Plutocrat Donors Lead the Campaign to Legalize Crimes Seattle City Council changed its criminal code to excuse more than 100 misdemeanor offenses, if the defendant argues that the offense can be linked to poverty, addiction or a mental health issue. The proposal, dubbed the “Poverty Defense Fund,” would essentially make the following crimes LEGAL:…
Movies and Series about European Political Terrorism: Exterior Night
Being a history nerd, I am always on the lookout for interesting historical movies or series and the other day I ran across one from Italy titled Exterior Night (aka Esterno Notte) about The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists. Now this is not the…
Another Pathetic Example of Anarcho-Tyranny
How the Feds Put Their Thumb On The Scale Ed and Brian Krassenstein were making money from Ponzi schemes and illegal porn sites. One of the web addresses that they owned was 17onlygirls (dot) com. They were domain name squatters who specialized in web addresses that promoted child porn and illegal Ponzi schemes. Ponzi fraud…
Know Your Dissident History: The Battle of Athens (1946)
This incident occurred in Athens, Tennessee in 1946. Many are completely unaware that an armed revolt by WWII veterans took place on American soil. Now the Second Amendment can be understood in it’s Original, unaltered Context: To Arm Citizens in order to protect themselves against a Tyrannical and Corrupt Government. FACTS: The…
More U.K. Anti-White Tyranny
H/T White Rabbit Scarborough teen jailed for racially aggravated behaviour following police crackdown on civil unrest Brits are Caged for saying ‘It’s Okay to be White’ but released for child pornography
Trump Stumping for the Jews AGAIN
H/T Evil White Guy Trump: “Most Powerful Lobby in This Country by Far was Israel and Jewish People… Today, It’s Like, What Happened?” Giving a speech to the Jews, begging them to install him as president in a fake election, game show host Donald Trump mourned that the Jews do not have enough…
Deep Dive into the 21st Century Criminal Hybrid State of Venezuela
These criminal groups support Nicolas Maduro To remain at the head of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez’s successor relies on a powerful criminal network that would have everything to lose from its eventual defeat. For years, Nicolas Maduro’s regime has relied on a complex network of criminal groups that support him in exchange for’ access to…
Historical Lessons for the Dissident: Right Wing Factional Unity in the Spanish Civil War
Right Wing Factional Unity in the Spanish Civil War I prepared slides with supporting material for my third conversation with Pete Quiñones on what I believe to be the most important lessons we can take from the Spanish Civil War: As institutions delegitimize, you must develop your own parallel institutions In a war or emerging war,…