CIA’s Simple Sabotage Field Manual (Via: HSDL) This historical document was originally published by the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS; now the Central Intelligence Agency) in 1944, for use by OSS agents in motivating or recruiting potential foreign saboteurs. Agents were granted permission to print and disseminate portions of the document as…
Category: Examining Terrorist Tactics
War in the Shadows: The Unconventional Warfare Shaping America’s Future
H/T WRSA War in the Shadows: The Unconventional Warfare Shaping America’s Future Great read on 4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare). My only caveat would be to understand that 4GW is used by not only foreign powers (both state and non-state actors) but also by our own Globalist and Godless Government against their own citizenry…
FUSA Bulletin: Border Agents And Families Threatened, Biden Imported 63K From Countries Trump Banned
Border Agents And Families Threatened, Biden Imported 63K From Countries Trump Banned My two cents: Don’t get distracted from the higher probability threat. Kidnapping border patrol in CONUS is more along the lines of the cartel’s MO, not muzzah goat rapist. Let’s not forget the cartels control or have influence in all of your…
Drilling for Changing Times
From the Archives, 2013 The armed civilian, like the LEO, needs to evaluate his Course of Fire and Firearm Drills frequently to make sure they stay current with the times. The best example of this is the increased use of Body Armor by thugs. Looking at history, one could expect your “higher…
Re-Calibrating Your Mentality on Guerilla Arms
When your average American armed civilian hears the term “Guerilla Arms” the majority of them are going to get a mental picture of a group of pissed off citizens armed with a “smorgasbord” of weapons, ranging from AR-15’s to AK-47’s to K98 bolt action rifles to Dad’s .270 Winchester Deer Rifle. The majority of…
On the Guerrilla, His Ecology and His Communications
On the Guerrilla, His Ecology and His Communications The Guerrilla must recognize three critical points: He, and his local network, are his own supply line. He fights with what he has, not with what he wishes. He cannot fight as a conventional force. If you have not already, be sure and order your…
The History of Irregular Warfare (Six-Part Series)
H/T WRSA Irregular Warfare Six-Part Series Superb series I recommend you put on your Reference flash drive. While you are it, Guide to the Analysis of an Insurgency is also worth downloading. Arm Up, Read Up and Train and Prepare Accordingly.
The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles *(For Educational Purposes Only)*
The Minuteman’s Guide to Countering Armored Vehicles Since the first tanks and armored cars appeared on the battlefields of WWI Europe, infantrymen have been forced to find ways to deal with them. The modern minuteman is no different, and any prolonged civil conflict in the United States is bound to see armored vehicles used…
Narco Tanks – Vehicle of Choice for Patrolling Mexico’s Criminal Landscape
“Narco-Tanks”: Vehicle of Choice for Patrolling Mexico’s Criminal Landscape As things continue to worsen here in FUSA, The Armed Civilian can take a page from the Narco playbook when it comes to DIY Armored Personnel Carriers.
SOE Partisan Leader’s Handbook
Partisan’s Leader Handbook So many Pearls of Wisdom in these WW2 era SOE manuals. The Basics of Partisanship have not changed! Study Up and Prepare Accordingly! You can read and download the entire manual HERE.