Category: Cyber-Security
Secret Messages – A Guide To Covert Communication
Secret Messages – A Guide To Covert Communication Nothing ground breaking here, just some “secret comm” fundamentals. Remember, having a Security mindset in today’s cyber-snooping world is just good common sense.
The Surveillance State: Metaverse Is the Ultimate Surveillance Tool
The Metaverse Is the Ultimate Surveillance Tool Really well done podcast about Metaverse and it’s application for global surveillance the likes of which you have never imagined!
Law Enforcement Agencies Are Now Buying Personal Cell Phone Data From Commercial Brokers Without Warrants
Three words: OPSEC! OPSEC! OPSEC!!
The Rise of China’s State Surveillance Machinery
The Rise of China’s State Surveillance Machinery Make no mistake, this is happening in CONUS. NSA Snooping on American Citizens because of their political beliefs is a full blown reality. Prepare Accordingly.
Supply Chain Vulnerability! Meatpacker JBS Hit with Ransomeware Attack
These ransomware cyber attacks against critical U.S. infra-structure (Energy and Food production/Distribution to name a couple) are going to begin being more frequent and severe in the coming months. Prepare Accordingly. Remember your OODA Loop: Action always beats Reaction. Today I posted this news at ‘Frauds & Crooks’ but since I have so often…
Tradecraft: Setting Up a Clandestine Communication Device
SETTING UP A CLANDESTINE COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE Solid gold tradecraft free of charge thanks to NC Scout and AP. Be sure and Book your Training Now at Brushbeater Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
The Invisible Drug Lord: Hunting the Ghost
The Invisible Drug Lord: Hunting the Ghost For over a decade now I have been researching and studying how 21st century drug cartels and organized crime syndicates operate. I do this mainly for two reasons: Research for my writing Considering freedom loving guerillas/partisans have always (and are currently) seen as criminals (ie domestic terrorist) anyway,…
Crime Awareness: Joker’s Stash Carding Market to Call it Quits
Joker’s Stash Carding Market to Call it Quits Good news for us decent folks: One of the largest shops for stolen credit card and identity information on the dark web is closing it’s doors. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Cyber Warfare: HAMAS May Be a Threat to 8chan, QAnon
Hamas May Be Threat to 8chan, QAnon Online Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!