Harnessing Insurgent and Narco-Criminal Drone Tactics for Special Operations Editor’s note: This article is part of Project Air Power, which explores and advocates for the totality of air, aviation, and space power in irregular, hybrid, and gray-zone environments. We invite you to contribute to the discussion, explore the difficult questions, and help influence the…
Category: Counterintelligence
Historical Lessons for the Dissident: Right Wing Factional Unity in the Spanish Civil War
Right Wing Factional Unity in the Spanish Civil War I prepared slides with supporting material for my third conversation with Pete Quiñones on what I believe to be the most important lessons we can take from the Spanish Civil War: As institutions delegitimize, you must develop your own parallel institutions In a war or emerging war,…
The Surveillance State: Court Rules Geofence Warrants Unconstitutional
Court Rules Geofence Warrants Unconstitutional Geofence warrants violate the Fourth Amendment, according to a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. U.S. Circuit Judge Carolyn Dineen King wrote in the decision that “geofence warrants are modern-day general warrants and are unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment.” “Of particular concern is the fact…
The Surveillance State: The Anti-White British Stasi
H/T: The Last Boomer They are going house to house because all the protestors had their cell phones and were tracked during the protests. The phone companies or other big tech gave all the data to the police so they could hunt you down. All within 24 hours.
The Surveillance State: FBI’s sinister Anti-Christian ‘PATCON’ program
FBI’s sinister Anti-Christian ‘PATCON’ program For a deeper dive into the PATCON program, we encourage you to check out the Odysee podcast.
The Spanish Civil War: 1931-1939 (6 parts)
The Spanish Civil War: 1931-1939 (6 parts) My favorite war to examine. Take note of the international brigades and secret police. Reminds me of the Syrian American antifa recruits. Pay attention to the language. The Democratic Republicans who love liberty were the Communists. Sound Familiar? And the Anarchist Autonomous zones that collapsed… Reminds me…
The Surveillance State: Slouching Toward Global Digital I.D.’s
Via: NC Renegade Retailers Starting To Require ID To Shop In Their Stores? I generally don’t post videos, because they take time to watch and I would prefer to read a story rather than have it spoken to me, but I made an exception here. Read the comments below the video as well….
Dead Shooters Tell No Tales
Dead Shooters Tell No Tales Make sure to watch the 9 minute video and read this one twice. When you put all the pieces together this is one of the most plausible scenarios for the false flag/ mass shooter epidemic IMO: “Inducing “mental illness” through Electronic Warfare to create the “lone gunman” to cause…
Riskmap is a free global monitoring platform which Sources data from global media and social channels. Their intelligence engine continuously monitors thousands of sources in multiple languages which filter out the noise and enpower you to extract useful information to provide accurate intelligence insights. Riskmap is a free threat assessment service that requires an…
The Surveillance State: Leave Your Phone at Home
Red Alert for Android Users: Google Gives Police Your Identification If Police Say You Were Near a Crime Back in the day, cops had to put physical “bugs” (recording devices) in criminals’ houses and cars. Now, they just use your phone, especially if you’re on Android. No worries, even if you’re using Apple, you…