Inside the Battle for Rio de Janeiro: Red Command Versus Militias {Hermit Note: As Anarcho-Tyranny get’s exponentially worse here in FUSA, events like this in Central and South America are worthy of study for the Armed Civilian as they show the end-result of when a State’s Law Enforcement and Legal System fail and Criminal…
Category: Counter-Insurgency
Historical Lessons for the Dissident: Right Wing Factional Unity in the Spanish Civil War
Right Wing Factional Unity in the Spanish Civil War I prepared slides with supporting material for my third conversation with Pete Quiñones on what I believe to be the most important lessons we can take from the Spanish Civil War: As institutions delegitimize, you must develop your own parallel institutions In a war or emerging war,…
The Big Stink
Mike Shelby | Do Your Area Study Trump or Biden, we’re going to get The Big Stink™ either way and it’s going to be stinky for a long time. Probably longer than you want to imagine. I’ll explain. One of the many poignant parts of Robert Taber’s The War of the Flea is the…
The Spanish Civil War: 1931-1939 (6 parts)
The Spanish Civil War: 1931-1939 (6 parts) My favorite war to examine. Take note of the international brigades and secret police. Reminds me of the Syrian American antifa recruits. Pay attention to the language. The Democratic Republicans who love liberty were the Communists. Sound Familiar? And the Anarchist Autonomous zones that collapsed… Reminds me…
Article of the Week: 2024 is Going to be Ugly
The Warning Signs Are Clear: 2024 Is Going To Be Ugly Arthur outdid himself with this one. Read it twice and pass it on to somebody you care about. Prepare Accordingly.
Guerilla Tactics Flashback: 2002 D.C. Snipers and 2015 Dallas Police Attack
Guerilla Tactics Flashback: 2002 D.C. Snipers and 2015 Dallas Police Attack Don Shift’s recent article on Gun Trucks got my mind turning on Guerilla Vehicle Tactics. From the Hermit Cave Archives: The attack on Dallas PD June 13, 2015 by a man in an armored van represents a variation on a tactic that has…
Guerilla Warfare 101: Lessons from the Spanish Civil War
H/T WRSA The Spanish CNT-FAI Anarchist Defense Cadre Operating Concept The author of this essay, Karl Dahl has a book out titled Faction that I highly recommend. Study Up and Gear Up Gents. Spicy Times are on the Menu.
Re-Calibrating Your Mentality on Guerilla Arms
When your average American armed civilian hears the term “Guerilla Arms” the majority of them are going to get a mental picture of a group of pissed off citizens armed with a “smorgasbord” of weapons, ranging from AR-15’s to AK-47’s to K98 bolt action rifles to Dad’s .270 Winchester Deer Rifle. The majority of…
On the Guerrilla, His Ecology and His Communications
On the Guerrilla, His Ecology and His Communications The Guerrilla must recognize three critical points: He, and his local network, are his own supply line. He fights with what he has, not with what he wishes. He cannot fight as a conventional force. If you have not already, be sure and order your…
The History of Irregular Warfare (Six-Part Series)
H/T WRSA Irregular Warfare Six-Part Series Superb series I recommend you put on your Reference flash drive. While you are it, Guide to the Analysis of an Insurgency is also worth downloading. Arm Up, Read Up and Train and Prepare Accordingly.