Becoming Invisible in Woodland Areas: The Story of Christopher Knight Discover the extraordinary tale of Christopher Knight, the ‘Ghost of North Pond,’ who lived undetected in the Maine wilderness for 27 years. In an era dominated by advanced technology, the notion of living undetected in the woods for an extended period seems implausible….
Category: Camo
Pay No Attention to that Pile of Wood Over There
H/T The Outlaw Josey Wales
Small Unit Tactics: Building a Fighting Position (Revised)
For the individual soldier, being able to build either a hasty or prepared position to fight from that will give you adequate cover and at the same time good fields of fire is essential for small units to be efficient in the field. All of the material I am covering here can be found…
Reference Library: Camo Matrix
H/T BCE & 13th Legion Camo Matrix One Stop Shop for Camo Comparisons and Deals. Bookmark and Distribute Freely.